Triumph cable .,co ltd successfully entered the drag chain cable industry and became one of the most complete UL drag chain cable manufacturers in the industry.

发布时间:2020-12-04 09:41:16 | 点击次数:359

Triumph cable employees embarked on a new journey with the concept of customer first. In order to meet customer needs in various ways, triumph cable  started to develop drag chain cables to contribute to the robotics industry.
Triumph cable drag chain line products include: servo motor cables, robot cables, feedback sensor cables, high flexible drag chain cables, which specifically cover the following specifications.

18 million times PVC highly flexible data transmission drag chain cable shielded


         SP-PVC-C-573 UL2464

         SP-PVC-C-573 UL2587

   28 million times PVC high-flexible power towline cable

         SP-PVC-570 UL2587

   38 million times PVC highly flexible control drag chain cable unshielded

         SP -PVC-570 UL2464

   4 8 million times PVC highly flexible single-core installation wire

         SP-PVC-570 UL10107

   5 8 million times PVC highly flexible single-core installation wire with shielding

         SP-PVC-C-573 UL10107  

And obtained UL certification in the second half of 2016.